Language and Communication

IMPACT is a platform that supports children in developing their communication skills. We support children with Autism, Aspergers’ Stammering, and other languages


Language therapy is used to support people with language and communication problems. It is useful for children who have difficulty chewing, swallowing, or drinking at a young age. ‘speech’, ‘language’, and communication therapy are all words that can be used to describe language therapy.

The ability to pronounce words clearly is referred to as ‘speech.’ ‘‘Language’ is an understanding of words and when combined into sentences and communication’ is a use of language in a constructive way, and helps individuals to interact with others.


We’re working with kids who have language and communication issues, especially those who:

  • Fail to express their feelings
  • Lack of the development of spoken language
  • Inability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others
  • Cant utter a single word
  • Stammering
  • Language difficulties
  • production of sounds
  • Unable to maintain a reciprocal conversation
  • Having difficulty understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas.
  • Difficulties producing sounds in syllables or saying words incorrectly to the point that listeners can’t understand what’s being said Articulation disorders
  • Problems with the pitch, volume, or quality of the voice that distract listeners from what’s being said. These types of disorders may also cause pain or discomfort for a child when speaking Resonance or voice disorders
    • Difficulty understanding or processing language Receptive disorders
    • Absence of communication or even no eye contact Autism

What does IMPACT do?

We begin by formally evaluating a child and arriving at a definitive diagnosis. We establish a plan based on these results, taking into account the severity of the problem and the age of the child, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. We perform one-on-one sessions in a peaceful and conducive atmosphere, which promotes learning and also allows parents’ mothers to watch the session and do it on their own at home. This is done in order to improve the child’s learning and enhance progress. Furthermore, IMPACT is willing to train SNA’s special needs assistants simultaneously to enhance children’s progress.

Language and communication problems have a number of effects at work and in education. It is usually treated with associated treatment and does not usually go away on its own. The following language and communication issues are being addressed by IMPACT:

1. Expressive language disorder

Expressive language disorder is a communication disorder characterized by difficulty in verbal and written expression. It is a specific language difficulty characterized by an inability to use expressive spoken language age-appropriately.. The level of spoken language seems below the mental age of the child, whereas, the language comprehension falls within the normal range. The disturbance may be manifested clinically by symptoms that include having a markedly limited vocabulary, making errors intense, or having difficulty recalling words or producing sentences with developmentally appropriate length or complexity.

Expressive language disorder is now known as a specific language impairment, or SLI, according to ICD-10, when a child fails to learn normal expressive even though they have been adequately exposed to the language and there is an absence of notable medical or genetic cause.

Such communication disorders, sensory-motor disturbances, intellectual disability, and/or environmental deprivation are not the same as an expressive language disorder. Speech and writing may be affected to some extent as a result of this disorder. One has to be cautious in order to determine that “atypical language development can be a secondary characteristic of other physical and developmental problems autism spectrum disorder that may first manifest as a language problem.

2. Receptive Language Disorder

A ‘mixed receptive and expressive language disorder’ is described as a delay in receptive language. According to DSM IV-TR, both receptive and expressive language development is substantially below those obtained from standardized measures of nonverbal intellectual capacity. Symptoms include those associated with Expressive Language Disorder, as well as difficulty in understanding words, sentences, or specific types of words, such as spatial terms.

3. Autism Spectrum Disorder

According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; Autism is a developmental disability that causes difficulties with social skills, communication, and response to the environment around them, Autism can range in severity from mild to severe. Every person’s condition is different.

The following are some of the possible signs and symptoms.


  • Delay or total lack of spoken language
  • Loss of words the child was previously able to say
  • Difficulty in initiating and sustaining a conversation with others
  • Difficulty expressing basic wants and needs
  • Poor vocabulary development
  • Problems following directions or finding objects that are named
  • Repeating what is said echolalia
  • Problems answering questions
  • Speech that sounds different e.g., “robotic” speech or speech that is high-pitched

Social skills

  • Poor eye contact with people or objects
  • Poor facial expression, body posture, and gesture to initiate and sustain social interaction
  • Poor play skills pretend or social play
  • Being overly focused on a topic or objects that interest them
  • Problems making friends
  • Crying, becoming angry, giggling, or laughing for no known reason or at the wrong time
  • Disliking being touched or held

Reacting to the world around them

  • Rocking, hand flapping, or other movements self-stimulating movements
  • Not paying attention to things the child sees or hears
  • Problems dealing with changes in routine
  • Using objects in unusual ways
  • Unusual attachments to objects
  • No fear of real dangers
  • Being either very sensitive or not sensitive enough to touch, light, or sounds e.g., disliking loud sounds or only responding when sounds are very loud; also called a sensory integration disorder
  • Feeding difficulties accepting only select foods, refusing certain food textures
  • Sleep problems
4. Expressive language disorder

Asperger’s syndrome, also known as the mildest form of autism, affects boys three times more than girls. As with Autism, Asperger’s syndrome causes children to become fascinated with a single object or subject. Their social skills are markedly impaired. Physically, they are often clumsy and uncoordinated.

Some experts refer to Asperger’s syndrome as “high-functioning autism” because it is milder than other autism spectrum disorders. When children with Asperger’s syndrome grow older, they are more vulnerable to anxiety and depression.
